Welcome to Nearex!

We are a UAE based B2B online marketplace aimed at assisting supply chains in the hotel, restaurant, catering, and retail sectors by connecting them with manufacturers and distributors in the food and beverage sector specializing in Near-Expiry F&B items..

These are the terms of use for your use and access to the nearex.ae website and any mobile applications operated by FazTech LLC and its subsidiaries.

This document and the terms therein constitute a legally binding agreement between you and Nearex. Please read these terms carefully before using Nearex. By using the website or related mobile applications, you agree to comply with these terms.

In addition to these terms, you must also review and accept the Privacy Policy, Seller agreement, and product listing policy (for sellers), and the shipping, refund, and cancellation policy, as they are incorporated herein.

Nearex may update these terms at any time. Any changes to the terms will be published on this page. Once the changes are published, the updated terms will take effect immediately. It is your responsibility to regularly review the terms to stay informed of any changes.

By continuing to visit the Nearex website or use its services, you agree to comply with the updated terms.


  • Terms of Use:

  o You are not allowed to visit or use Nearex, or accept these terms, and you are not permitted to receive any services under the laws of the United Arab Emirates or any jurisdiction in which you reside, or be at least 18 years old, unless otherwise determined by us without any liability.

  1. Registration Terms:
    • You have the right to register as a buyer or seller and benefit from the services if you meet the following eligibility criteria:
      • For buyers:
  1. To be of legal age to make purchases.
  2. To be able to receive the products you have purchased.
  • To provide an address in the United Arab Emirates.
  1. To have a registered business according to your country’s laws.
  2. To have a valid commercial license.
  3. To provide proof of identity for the authorized person if listed on the license, to control the completion of commercial transactions.


  • For buyers:

Please note the following: While you will be able to list items for sale on the website at the same time as you submit your company documents, buyers will not see your products until Nearex verifies your documents.

  1. According to your country’s laws, you must have a registered business.
  2. You must have a valid commercial license.
  • You should be able to provide evidence of authorization for individuals registering on the website or using it.
  1. Provide proof of identity for the authorized person if listed on the commercial license.
  2. Provide supporting banking details related to your license.
  3. Acknowledge and agree that additional requirements may apply to certain categories of products.
  • Value Added Tax (VAT) registration certificate (if applicable).


  • Nearex reserves the right to refuse the creation of a user account for any reason.
  • When using any business service or sending emails to us, you are communicating with us electronically. We will communicate with you in various ways, such as email, text messages, in-app push notifications, or electronically through messages on nearex.ae or through our messaging center. You agree to comply with any requirement that all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications provided to you electronically be in writing, unless the applicable laws require a different form of communication.
  • By posting or displaying any product, information, or content (“Content”) on nearex.ae, you grant Nearex a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable license to use the content in any form and in any manner without restrictions and free from proprietary rights for any purpose.
  • By registering as a user, you acknowledge that Nearex may launch, change, enhance, impose terms on, suspend, or discontinue any services or features without prior notice.


  1. User Accounts
    • Only one main account is allowed per company. Nearex may cancel any account if it suspects that the same company has multiple accounts of the same type.
    • When creating the main user account, Nearex will request you to create a password.
    • You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your account number and password. You may not share, assign, or permit the use of your user account or password with anyone else, including those working in your immediate business. You agree to notify Nearex if you become aware of any unauthorized use of your user account or password.
    • You agree that all your uses of Nearex and all activities occurring within your account shall be deemed authorized by you, and you alone bear responsibility for the consequences of misuse of your main account.
    • Nearex may designate, suspend, or revoke your user account at any time, without prior notice, for breaching these terms, or for any reason.


  1. User Responsibilities
    • You acknowledge and agree that you have full authority and power to accept the terms and fulfill your obligations under these terms;
  • That the information and documents provided during the registration process are true, accurate, up-to-date, and complete, and you will retain all information and documents and keep them updated when activating your user account on Nearex;
  • That you allow Nearex to place information about you or your business in our database, and authorize Nearex and our affiliates to share or use the information as outlined in our Privacy Policy;
  • That you are solely responsible for obtaining all licenses, permits, and certificates required for the content you submit, publish, or display;
  • That any content you submit, publish, or display is not counterfeit or stolen and does not violate copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade names, trade secrets, or rights of any third party;
  • That you have the authority and power to sell the products you offer on the Nearex platform, trade them, distribute them, or export them, and that your offering of these products does not violate the rights of any third parties (e.g., exclusive agency or distribution agreements); and
  • That neither you nor your company, manager, officers, or affiliates are subject to any commercial restrictions, sanctions, or other legal restrictions in any country, international organization, or jurisdiction.


  • You also agree that the content you submit, publish, or display:
  • Is true, accurate, complete, and legal;
  • Does not contain defamatory, threatening, harassing, obscene, abusive, or otherwise objectionable information;
  • Does not contain discriminatory information or promote discrimination;
  • Does not violate the Product Listing Policy, the Terms, or any other additional agreements with Nearex;
  • Does not violate any applicable laws or regulations or promote activities that may violate them; and
  • Does not directly or indirectly link to sites whose content violates these terms.


  • In addition, you agree to:
  • Conduct all your activities on Nearex in accordance with any applicable laws and regulations;
  • Conduct your business transactions with other Nearex users in good faith, pursuant to these terms and any other valid agreements;
  • Continue your activities in accordance with these terms;
  • Upload all data for each transaction to the Nearex platform;
  • Not use Nearex to defraud any person or entity;
  • Not impersonate any person or entity, or misrepresent yourself or your association with any person or entity misleadingly;
  • Not use additional accounts or third parties to manipulate ratings and leave positive comments for yourself or unjustified negative comments for another user;
  • Not copy, reproduce, download, republish, sell, or distribute any information, texts, images, graphics, videos, audio, guides, files, databases, or lists available on or through Nearex for any purpose;
  • Not engage in spamming, phishing, or virus spreading;
  • Ensure that your sole purpose for using Nearex is not to collect information about other users;
  • Not use the information provided to you during a transaction on Nearex to solicit additional sales in a non-contact mode; and
  • Not engage in any activities that may create liability on Nearex.


  • According to its own discretion, Nearex has the right to remove any post, listing, comment, or terminate any user account if it becomes aware of a violation or suspicion of violation of any of the points under 3.3-3.1 or for any reason it deems appropriate.


  1. Transactions Between Buyers and Sellers:
    • Nearex provides a platform for sellers and buyers to interact with each other for the purpose of buying and selling products. Buyers and sellers are not parties to any transaction and are not involved in any agreement between them.
    • Sellers and buyers must agree on their contractual terms and upload details of each order and transaction on the Nearex platform.
    • Nearex does not control or take responsibility for the quality, legality, safety, or availability of products offered for sale on nearex.ae, or the ability of sellers to complete a sale or the ability of buyers to complete a purchase.
    • By using or accessing nearex.ae, you accept the risks associated with conducting any transaction and related activities, such as storage, shipping, delivery, and return of products.
    • Nearex is not responsible for unsatisfactory or delayed performance, losses, damages, or business interruptions resulting from unavailable or damaged products or those not delivered.
    • Nearex may mediate or attempt to resolve any disputes or conflicts between buyers and sellers, but it shall not be responsible for resolving such disputes.
    • Please contact us to report any issues or violations of these terms.


  1. Third-Party Websites or Services:
    • Nearex may provide access to third-party websites or services through hyperlinks, APIs, or other means. You should review the terms and conditions of third parties, as Nearex does not control or monitor these sites. Nearex will not be responsible to you for the content of these sites or your use of them.
    • Nearex may offer you services from third parties, such as payment gateways, supply chain finance solutions, and delivery services. These services may be subject to separate agreements between you and the service provider. In no event shall Nearex be liable to you for your use of these services; you alone bear this responsibility.
    • Third-party services may be subject to separate fees. You will be notified of these fees before the services are performed.


  1. Liability:
    1. Liability and Indemnification:
      1. These terms of use do not limit or exempt either party from:
      2. Fraud, including deceit, committed by this party.
      3. Death or personal injury resulting from the negligence of this party.
      4. Any other liabilities that cannot be limited or exempted from under applicable law.
    2. In no event shall we, our parent company, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, partners, agents, successors, assigns, or new owners, employees, suppliers, subcontractors, or licensors be liable – whether based on a claim or contract or any claim related to loss of profit, data or information, business interruption, or any financial loss or any special, indirect, or consequential damages even if we, our subsidiaries, directors, officers, agents, employees, licensors, suppliers, subcontractors have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
    3. In addition to the extent permitted by applicable law, we (including our parent company, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, partners, agents, successors, assigns, or new owners, employees, suppliers, subcontractors, or licensors) will not be liable, and you agree not to hold us responsible for any direct or indirect damages resulting from:
      1. The content or other information you provide when using the services.
      2. Your use of the services or your inability to use them.
      3. Errors or malfunctions resulting from guidance provided by us.
      4. Pricing, shipping, coordination, or scheduling.
      5. Viruses or other harmful software encountered through accessing the services.
      6. Errors, malfunctions, or inaccuracies in any form.
      7. Damage to your device through the use of products sold on the website or through our services.
      8. Content, actions, or inactions of other users of our services.
      9. Suspension or any other actions we take related to your use of the services.
      10. The time period your listings appear in search results or how they appear.
      11. Your need to modify practices, content, behavior, or your loss or inability to conduct business due to changes in these terms of use.


  1. For clause 5-1, if it is determined that clauses 5-2 or 5-3 are unenforceable or inapplicable for any reason, then our total liability, including the liability of our parent company, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, agents, employees, suppliers, subcontractors, or licensors, towards you, whether arising out of any claim, contract claim, negligence, or breach of any legal duty or otherwise related to or arising from these terms of use or in connection with them, shall not exceed, in any event, the lesser of:
  2. The price at which the product was sold on the website and original shipping charges.
  3. The disputed fee amount, provided that it does not exceed the total value of the fees paid to us preceding the action that led to liability, within a twelve (12) month period.
  4. 100 AED.


  1. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless, including indemnifying and holding harmless our parent company, subsidiaries, and affiliates, directors, officers, agents, employees, suppliers, subcontractors, and licensors associated with our parent company or its subsidiaries and affiliates, from and against any claims, damages, losses, and expenses (including legal fees and attorney fees) (the “Claims”) arising out of:
    1. Any claims or demands made by third parties as a result of your use of the services.
    2. Violation of any provisions in these terms of use, including but not limited to any warranties, representations, or undertakings.
    3. Violation of any applicable laws, including but not limited to data protection laws or anti-spam laws.
    4. The manner in which you use our services, including but not limited to the content you post, the products you list, or your trademarks that infringe upon any intellectual property rights of third parties or if your content contains defamation, libel, slander, or violation of any other rights (including privacy rights) of others (including users of other websites).


  1. Limit, Suspension, Withdrawal:

In addition to the rights or remedies, without any liability towards you, we reserve the right to limit, suspend, or withdraw:

  1. Your access to or use of the services.
  2. Cancel any product orders and/or delete content provided by you, at our discretion.


  1. Violation Policy:

We commit to ensuring that the products and content provided on the website comply with these terms of use. If the content provided does not comply with these terms of use, please notify us, and we will investigate the matter.


  1. Collaboration with authorities:

Nearex has the right to fully cooperate with regulatory government authorities or law enforcement authorities in investigating any suspected criminal or civil violations. Nearex may disclose the identity and personal details of a user and their contact information associated with their account and transactions or activities on ae.nearex, as permitted by applicable laws and policies. Nearex will not be responsible for any damages resulting from the disclosure of this information, and you agree not to file any claim related to such disclosure against Nearex.


  1. Force Majeure:

Neither you nor Nearex shall be responsible for failing to fulfill any obligation under these terms due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of either party, such as natural disasters, pandemics, or wars.


  1. Intellectual Property:
    1. “Nearex” and related logos and words found on nearex.ae are registered trademarks of Nearex and are protected under international trademark laws and other intellectual property laws. The use of Nearex’s trademarks in connection with any services or products other than those of Nearex without Nearex’s written consent is prohibited. All other trademarks appearing on nearex.ae that are not owned by Nearex and which may appear are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with Nearex.
    2. Nearex is the sole legal owner and licensee of all rights and interests in nearex.ae and its contents, which contain trade secrets and other intellectual property rights protected under global copyright and other laws. All proprietary and intellectual property rights in nearex.ae and its contents belong to Nearex. All other rights are reserved.
    3. If you believe that any content on nearex.ae violates your intellectual property rights or the rights of any third party, please send an email to legal@nearex.ae.


  1. Notifications:

The following notifications are the official means of communication:


  1. All notifications or requests must be submitted to the email address legal@nearex.ae.
  2. All legal notices or requests to the user will be delivered to the last known email address provided by the user to Nearex unless specific laws or regulations require otherwise.


  1. General Provisions:


  1. Unless you have any additional agreements with Nearex, these terms constitute the entire agreement between you and Nearex regarding your use of the website and any related applications or services, superseding any prior written or oral agreements that may have been made.
  2. These terms do not create any agency, partnership, or joint venture relationship between you and Nearex.
  3. If any provision of these terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable, that provision will be deleted, and the remaining provisions will remain valid and enforceable.
  4. If Nearex does not enforce its rights or take action against any breach by you under these terms, it does not mean that Nearex waives its rights to enforce actions against you in the future.
  5. Nearex has the right to assign the terms to any person or entity. You may not assign these terms to any person or entity without written consent from Nearex.


If you have any questions regarding these terms, please contact us.



Policy on Order, Return, Cancellation, and Refund


Note: Nearex is not responsible for disputes that may arise regarding the return terms of products sold by sellers.


  1. This Return, Refund, and Cancellation Policy (“Policy”) applies to purchases made through the nearex.ae website or any mobile applications operated by FazTech and its subsidiaries.
  2. Nearex may update this Policy from time to time. Any changes to this Policy will be published on this page. Once published, the updated Policy will take effect immediately. It is your responsibility to regularly review the Policy to stay informed of any changes. By continuing to access Nearex’s portal and use its services, you agree to comply with this Policy and any updates to it. Please make sure to read and understand the general terms and conditions of Nearex and any related terms mentioned therein. This Policy, including any updates, is subject to the general terms and conditions and constitutes an integral part thereof.
  3. Definitions:


  • Buyer: Refers to the individual, company, or entity purchasing or placing an order to purchase any product/products from the Nearex platform, as specified in the general terms and conditions or as stated in this document.
  • Seller: Refers to the individual, company, or entity selling any product/products through the Nearex platform, as specified in the general terms and conditions or as stated in this document, unless otherwise stated herein.
  • Return: Refers to the regular returns of products sold by any seller on the Nearex platform, in accordance with this Policy.
  • Refund: Refers to the reimbursement of the amount paid for the returned product, excluding any discounts applied as of the date of sale/return.
  • Product: Any item offered for sale by a seller on the Nearex platform and available for purchase by the buyer according to the site’s policies and terms.
  • General Terms and Conditions: The general terms and conditions applicable to all users of the Nearex platform.
  • Cancellation: Means the cancellation, wholly or partially, of an order (confirmed for delivery as per the standard by the shipping company) and received by the buyer for products sold through the Nearex platform from a third-party marketplace seller. Unless otherwise stated, for the purposes of this document, the seller refers to a third-party marketplace seller.
  • Expiry Nearness: If the product’s validity period is longer than one year, “expiry nearness” means the product’s age is less than six months upon delivery. If the product’s validity period is less than one year, “expiry nearness” means the product’s age is less than 25% upon delivery or less than that.
  • Supplier: As specified on the website, each product in a purchase order is sold by a local seller.
  • Acceptance of Purchase Order: Your purchase order is accepted by us when we notify you of acceptance in writing (either by email or SMS), and if we are unable to accept your purchase order, we will notify you of this in writing or via phone call, and the product value will not be deducted from your account.
  • Payment: Your issuance of the purchase order authorizes us or a third-party payment processor to accept electronic payment by deducting the purchase value from your credit card or debit card balance, or through your electronic wallet, subject to:
  • Credit card or debit card.
  • Or through your electronic wallet.
  • For processing payments with credit/debit cards, we may request you to open an account with our other payment processing companies, including accepting their terms and conditions and providing your details on your behalf. By authorizing us to do so, you relieve us of any responsibility for any damage or loss you may incur as a result.
  • We reserve the right to add or cancel specific payment cards or payment methods accepted by us at any time and without prior notice.
  • Cancellation of Purchase Order: You can cancel the purchase order immediately before the product is shipped and executed.
  • Our Cancellation of Your Order: We reserve the right to cancel your order if:
  • You fail to pay the purchase value when due.
  • You fail within a reasonable time period that we specify to provide us with the required information for delivering the products to you.
  • You fail to allow us within a reasonable time period to deliver the products to you or fail to accept them.
  • Delivery Cost: The delivery cost for products will be according to the rates specified on the website and will be included in your invoice.
  • Delivery Date: This information will be displayed to you on the website as within two or three days at most.
  • Delay in Delivery:
  • If our delivery of the product is delayed due to reasons beyond our control, we will contact you as soon as possible to inform you, and we will take steps to minimize the consequences of the delay in delivery.
  • If there is no one at your address to receive the product when delivered by mail, we will inform you at that time about how to collect the product or arrange for re-delivery.
  • If you are unable to take delivery of the product after it failed to be delivered to your address, we will contact you for further instructions. We reserve the right to cancel your order according to the applicable sales terms if we are unable to contact you or arrange for a new delivery or collection despite our continuous efforts in this regard.
  • Proof of Identity Requirements upon Delivery: Nearex, at its discretion, may make any inquiries it deems necessary to verify your identity and/or ownership of your financial instruments by requesting further information or documents from you, including, but not limited to, requesting any form of identification and/or credit card. If Nearex is unable to verify the authenticity of any information provided by you, Nearex reserves the right to refuse delivery and cancel the order.


  • Ownership of Products: Products become your property once they are delivered to you at the delivery address and payment is made in full.
  • Invoicing: We will issue an electronic invoice for the value of your purchases and send it to the email address you provided.


  1. Return Period:

When the product is eligible for immediate return, subject to the terms and conditions stipulated in this policy, the buyer must notify Nearex in writing within a period not exceeding one day from the delivery date (in the case of non-perishable products) or within the delivery period for perishable products, expressing their desire to return the product and request a refund. This notice must include all relevant information describing the damage, non-conformity, or reason for return in sufficient detail to enable Nearex to take appropriate action. If no notice is received within this time frame, it will be considered that the buyer has accepted the product without objection.


  1. How to Initiate the Return Process:

To initiate the return process, you must immediately, and within a period not exceeding one day from receiving the product (unless otherwise agreed in writing), notify Nearex in writing with a description of the damage, non-conformity, or any other reason for the return, including sufficient details to enable Nearex to file a claim with its supplier or seek corrective action in another manner. The notice must be sent via email to Nearex’s customer service at support@nearex.ae to open a case with the following details:

  • Order or transaction number;
  • Order value and date of the order; and
  • Reason for the return, including, where possible or required by this policy, evidence supporting the claim, such as photos or reports from third parties.


Upon receiving the email, Nearex’s customer service team will investigate the claim and provide advice on whether the products are eligible for return and refund under this policy, and if any other information may be necessary. If the return and refund request is approved, the customer support team will create a return request number and initiate the necessary procedures according to the conditions outlined herein.


  1. Packaging and Return Shipping of Returned Products:

For returns and refunds, please ensure that the product is carefully repackaged in its original condition, including all original packaging and materials (instruction booklets, accessories, etc.). If the product is returned as new but it is evident that it has been used, marked, tampered with, or damaged before being returned, Nearex reserves the right to refuse issuing a refund.


  1. Shipping Fees for Returned Products:

If the transaction occurs within the United Arab Emirates, the appropriate third-party marketplace seller is responsible for the pickup and return process at no additional shipping cost to the buyer.

For clarity, Nearex will not cover the costs of any documents required for the return process.

You will be informed of the pickup process, timing, and costs after the return and refund request is approved.


  1. Order Cancellation Policy:

To ensure the timely delivery of ordered products, Nearex begins processing your order from the moment it is confirmed. Therefore, cancellation or changes to the order may not be possible or accepted in certain cases. Additionally, logistics services and pricing agreements with third-party suppliers may affect Nearex’s ability to accept cancellation or changes to orders. Therefore, please carefully read the terms and conditions below and contact us if you have any inquiries regarding this matter.


  1. Cancellation of Orders:

In accordance with the terms and conditions outlined below, generally:


  1. The buyer may only cancel an order if it is in “Order Processing” status before it is executed by Nearex and the seller.
  2. The seller may cancel the order without obligation or liability to the buyer or their consent.
  3. The seller must send a written request in case of cancellation.


To initiate a cancellation request for any product orders, the buyer must send a written request to Nearex via email or through the appropriate Nearex platform function, requesting the cancellation of all or part of the pending order that has not been executed and appears as “Order Processing” in the buyer’s account.


Upon receiving this notification, the seller must immediately cease any work related to the mentioned order and inform us in writing whether the cancellation request can be accepted (including any applicable terms for this cancellation) or not.


The buyer may cancel the order without any obligations to the seller if:


  1. The cancellation request is received before the order status indicates “Ready for Shipping” or “Order Being Prepared,” and in any case before the order is confirmed by the seller.


  1. If the seller violates the terms of the order or is unable to fulfill the order.


  1. The seller delays in fulfilling the order in full or in part, or contractual obligations for more than 7 days.


Except as provided in this document or agreed upon by the seller in writing, an order cannot be cancelled or invalidated once it has been accepted for processing or executed.

In the event of approval of the cancellation request, but the seller has already incurred costs and expenses that cannot be reasonably refunded by selling the products to another entity, the buyer shall pay all such costs and expenses to the seller, which may include packaging and shipping costs and any other related shipping costs or expenses. In such cases, the seller may deduct these costs from any amounts paid by the buyer in advance or retain them in another manner at the buyer’s expense.


  1. Your request for large quantities:

Cancellation of orders for large quantities is not accepted unless agreed upon with the seller based on the situation.

Please note: Changes or cancellations of orders are not accepted once the shipping has been scheduled on the same day or included in the order.


  1. Terms and Conditions for Accepting Returns:
  • The product must be returned in its original sealed packaging.
  • If the product has been used, or the original packaging opened, or the original protective cover removed, we will refuse the refund request and return the product back to you.
  • The return of the product will not be accepted unless the customer has been notified of the acceptance of the return process.


  • Return Window:

Unless stated otherwise, Nearex provides a return window of one day from the delivery date for returnable products.


  • Procedure upon Receipt of Return Request:

It may take up to a week or less for the returned product to reach us depending on your location. Once the returned product arrives at the storage and packaging center, please allow two (2) business days for us to inspect and process your returned product.


After processing the return, it may take between five (5) to seven (7) business days to credit the refunded amount to your credit card account. The refunded amount depends on the condition of the returned product.


  • General Conditions Applicable to All Returns:

Nearex reserves the right to return the product to the customer if the returned product does not comply with the guidance or terms applicable within the company. The customer is not entitled to a refund if the product is not eligible for return. If a request for return of a product is rejected at any stage, and delivery attempts fail, we will retain the product for only three (3) business days at our delivery centre. The customer can request another attempt within three (3) business days after the last notified attempt. If we receive a request from the customer for another attempt within three (3) business days after the last notified attempt, we can arrange another attempt for delivery to the customer within two (2) business days, otherwise, the product will be sent to the clearance department, and the customer will not be able to request the return of the product again.


  • Non-Returnable Products: You are not entitled to return or exchange items in the following cases:
  1. Those that have been used or damaged by you or have become different from their original condition.
  2. Any consumable items that have been used or installed in another item.
  3. Any products missing their serial number or have been tampered with.


How to Contact Us (for Returns): You can reach out to us via email, our social media platforms, or live chat on our website.


  • Refund Procedures:
  1. For delivered products, we will refund the full value of the returned product, including return shipping fees to us (excluding fees paid for product shipping to you) in the following cases:
  2. Defective products or those whose description differs from what was stated on the website.
  3. Errors on the part of the seller, such as pricing errors, description errors, or delayed delivery beyond the agreed-upon time.


For all other cases, we will refund the value of the returned product (excluding fees paid for product shipping to you), and you will bear the cost of return shipping to us.

For products that were not delivered for reasons mentioned in section 5, you will be reimbursed in the same payment method as follows:


  • Refund Procedures:
  • The refund process will be initiated immediately.
  • When the product is received and inspected at our customer goods preparation center, the final refund will be processed as follows:
  1. If the refund is to your credit/debit card: Within 7 days of receiving the returned product at our customer goods preparation centre.
  2. If the purchase order is cancelled before the shipping date, the refund will be automatically processed.


  • Legal Obligations of Customers:
  • You acknowledge and agree, as a party to this agreement, to:
  1. Always Adhere to prevailing laws, including statutes and regulations, without exception, including all privacy protection laws and regulations.
  2. Have all the authority and eligibility to enter into this agreement and make payments as specified therein.
  3. If you purchase the product on behalf of a company, you confirm that you represent it and act on its behalf under delegation by proxy and that it will adhere to these terms of sale.


  • Our services are provided to you on an “as is” basis without warranty, endorsement, or conditions by us of any kind, whether express or implied, including but not limited to, all conditions, representations, and warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or general purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security, error-free operation, or that the services will be provided uninterrupted, timely, or provided in a manner suitable or generally.


  1. Legal Liability:
    1. These terms of sale shall not limit or exempt any party’s liability for:
  2. Fraud, including any fraud committed by that party;
  3. Death or personal injury caused by the negligence of that party.
  4. Any other liability that cannot be limited or exempted under applicable law.
  5. Neither we nor our parent company, subsidiaries, affiliates, or our employees, directors, officers, agents, suppliers, subcontractors, or licensors shall be liable under contract, tort, or otherwise, for any loss of profits or data, or any direct, incidental, indirect, special, or consequential damages, even if we or our subsidiaries, directors, officers, agents, suppliers, subcontractors, or licensors have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
  6. Furthermore, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we – including our parent company, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, directors, officers, agents, suppliers, subcontractors, or licensors – shall not be liable legally, and you hereby agree to waive our responsibility for any damages or losses arising from the following, whether directly or indirectly:
  7. Delayed delivery of products or failure to deliver part of them if you fail to provide us with the necessary information within a reasonable time from the date of our request or if you fail to pay the value.
  8. Damages resulting from unauthorized repairs to the products.
  9. Loss of any stored or saved data in repaired or replaced products.
  10. Your full reliance on the content or any other information provided by the website regarding the product for which you placed an order.
  11. Your use or inability to use the product you ordered.
  12. Delay or malfunction of the website or our services.
  13. Viruses or malicious electronic software resulting from the use of the product you ordered.
  14. Damage to your own device due to the use of the product you ordered.
  15. Loss of job opportunities or inability to conduct your business or similar due to our inability to deliver the product you ordered on time.